
Friday, 9 February 2018

Fully Funded UK Scholarship Program for African At Oxford University 2018

The University of Oxford is delighted to call for applications for the Fully Funded Africa Oxford Visiting Fellows Program for African Scholars At Oxford University 2018, applicants are reminded to ensure that they comply with the criteria as stated. The AfOx Visiting Fellows Program is designed to enhance academic mobility and network building.
The program supports African scholars and researchers working in any discipline to spend periods of flexible time in Oxford, for example as sabbatical leave for utilising library or other university facilities or undertaking or planning collaborative research with Oxford based colleagues. Applicants should provide details of an Oxford university host i.e. someone with an academic/research post in Oxford in the applicant’s field of interest who will work with them to maximise the usefulness of the time spent in Oxford. This may be an existing academic collaborator or a new potential collaborator with whom the applicant has established contact before applying for the Fellowship.

Eligible Countries: African countries

To Be Taken At (Country): University of Oxford, UK


  • Applicants are expected to hold a PhD or research equivalent.
  • Legal resident of an African country holding an appointment in an African academic or research institution.
  • With an existing collaboration with Oxford or in contact with a potential collaborator at Oxford.
Visit website for more info
Application Deadline:
Midnight, 11th March, 2018 (GMT)

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